1 Durability. Just like when you buy low-quality clothing which falls apart quickly, regular golf towels have a much shorter lifespan, therefore much less cost-effective.
2 Individuality. Why would you want to be a walking billboard for the big guys? Our towel lets you represent your uniqueness on the golf course.
3 Performance. By having a waffle pattern specially intended to wick away grime on golf clubs, it will require fewer wipes. A sport where you take on average 70-120 strokes per round, that really adds up and will save you so much time!
4 Absorbs like a sponge. There is nothing worse than having a wet towel when you want to dry off your grips. Our microfibre absorbs 3 times more than cotton and dries 3 times faster.
5 Anti-bacterial. Don’t worry about germs, as our towels naturally have antifungal properties. That means you can wash it less and do not need to worry where you store your bag.
6 Towels are by far the most-used accessory in golf. Used practically after every shot! A high-quality one is a wise investment to any golfer!
7 Being the first ever fashionable golf towel, it inspires confidence and lightens the mood. When you have an Uther Golf towel in your bag, you have a little more swagger, and willing to pull off that risky flop for the hell of it.
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